Exp. Cell Marker   Exp. Entropy Calculator   Exp. Cell Labeller 

 Exp. Colony Size   Exp. ECell   Exp. Metabolite Profiling Hi-Res 

 Exp. PIE Extractor   mzXMLToDol 

This work was supported and co-financed by the South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses (CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024).

Expertomica Cell Marker

The software was originally developed for manual labeling of cells in series of microscopy images for cell behavior analysis. The software can read the series of images visualize them and allow the user to define the borders of cells. The information about labeled cells is exported into txt file and it can be used for next processing. The software allow the user to do the standard labeling operations (object ID, object replication into next frame, scale definition, etc.). Several advanced functions were implemented in the software, for example: automatic adaptation of the shape of labeled cells in next frames, possibility to show different versions of the same image (processed images), export images with labeled cells, contrast enhancement for precise labeling. The software can be used for semi-automatic labeling of any kind of objects (including sub-objects) in the image series.

Binary Software License Expertomica Cell Marker

Download - Expertomica Cell Marker (90MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz

Expertomica Entropy Calculator

The software was originally developed for microscopy phase-contrast images enhancement but it is usable for any kind of images where the background and objects are included. The image enhancement algorithm is based on the Renyi entropy. The intensity of each pixel is coded by the information contribution of the pixel to the information of whole image. Different kind of information can be highlighted in the image depending of the setting of the only one parameter of the program. Typically the edges of objects are highlighted and the background is suppressed in output image. No information is lost using this algorithm as usual in common image enhancement methods.

Binary Software License Expertomica Entropy Calculator

Download - Expertomica Entropy Calculator (50MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz

Expertomica Cell Labeller

Program pro snadnou a rychlou anotaci buněk v mikroskopických obrazech. Program umožňuje označení hranic buněk a následný export informací o buňkách (plocha, délka hranice). Program je možné využívat na jakýkoliv typ obrazových dat, kde je potřeba anotovat hranice objektů. Program umožňuje definování velikosti pixelu a měření skutečných rozměrů.

Binary Software License Expertomica Cell Labeller

Download - Expertomica Cell Labeller (2.8MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz

Expertomica Colony Size

Software je specializovaným nástrojem pro polo-automatickou analýzu obrazů řasových kolonií. Byl vytvořen pro účely vyhodnocování stavu řasových kolonií připravovaných pomocí speciálního aplikátoru (razítka). Software umožňuje zpracování jednoho snímku těchto kolonií. Uživateli je umožněno provést ohraničení kolonií pomocí předdefinovaných vzorů a následnou segmentaci kolonií a pozadí. Software spočítá charakteristiky segmentovaných kolonií a uloží je do textového souboru, který může být zpracován pomocí Microsoft Excel.

Binary Software License Expertomica Colony Size

Download - Expertomica Colony Size - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz

Expertomica ECell

The software is designed for manual time-lapse microscopy image series of cell monolayer labeling. The software brings fast and efficient way for cell cycle analysis of cell monolayer. Many statistics can outcomes from the labeling – cell cycle duration, comparison of cell states, cell cycle vocabulary. User cell state vocabulary can be created for any individual type of objects.

Binary Software License Expertomica ECell

Download - Expertomica ECell (214MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz

Expertomica Metabolite Profiling Hi-Res

The software was developed for analysis of datasets with high resolution from Liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry. It works with several ascii and xml datafiles. Native Matlab and specified cdf files are also supported. Application performs precison and resolution estimation, mass peaks centroidisation, unsupervised noise and mobile phase removal, iterative peak deconvolution and confidence factors evaluation. No information is lost during the processing. Program enables graphical user interface with basic plotings (Total Ion Current chromatograms and Mass spectra) of raw, processed and resulted data.


Binary Software License Expertomica Metabolite Profiling Hi-Res

Download - Expertomica Metabolite Profiling Hi-Res (3.8MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz

Expertomica PIE Extractor

Program for calculation of PIE (Point information entropy) from the time-lapse microscopy images of cells. For each image and each value of alpha parameter, single PIE value is calculated. The values of PIE are used for analysis of the cell behavior.

Binary Software License Expertomica PIE Extractor

Download - Expertomica PIE Extractor (8MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz


Software slouží ke konverzi formátu mzXML verze 3.2 do binárního formátu DDX založeném na DOL (Data Object Library).

Binary Software License mzXMLToDol

Download - mzXMLToDol (2.7MB) - for download send email to macho(a)frov.jcu.cz